724 Princess Street, Kingston Ontario | Open 10am to 9pm Monday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm Sundays
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We Are Here to Help You!
Free Local Delivery On Orders Over $250.
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Frequently asked questions
About Free Shipping offers:
We offer free local deliveries in the city of Kingston, for orders over $250.
Holiday hours?
Our store is often open on holidays such as Canada Day, Civic holiday, Labour Day. Check our facebook page to confirm which holidays we are open.
When do you get in new stock?
Action Packed gets in new product on a weekly basis. If you have something you want special ordered, let us know.
Package tracking
For peace-of-mind, all packages larger than a lettermail, is tracked via Canada Post. You will be able to track your package from our store to your door.
Do you have an eNewsletter?
Add your name to our list, to receive our new upcoming eNewsletter. It will alert customers of upcoming releases and sales in the store, as well as scheduled game nights.
Is Free Shipping only available for online purchases?
FREE shipping is only available to online purchases made on our website.
How can i learn about your sales?
Be sure to add your email address to the bottom of the webpage so we can add you to our list for upcoming monthly eNewsletters. OR contact us at contact@actionpackedcomics.com and include “add me to your list” in the subject.
Do you have card game nights?
Once COVID protocols ease, we will resume with game nights in-store. Check back to see when we get back into the action.
How long do shipments take?
We use Canada Post for shipping packages, and rely on the speed of their pkgs. Since almost all packages are tracked, you can watch as your pkg travels through Canada Post’s route, from our store to your door.
Store Hours
Monday – Saturday: 10am – 9pm
Sunday: 11am – 7pm
Christmas Day: Closed
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Facebook Message
We are most responsive on facebook messenger. Go to our facebook page and click the Message button.
724 Princess Street, Kingston ON, K7L 1G2
Visit our store for an incredible selection of action figures