Star Wars X-Wing Second Edition: TIE Advanced x1 Expansion Pack


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While the TIE Fighter is a common sight in imperial squadrons, picking up a TIE Advanced x1 on your scopes is all the proof you need that a sector has drawn the Empire‘s attention. This prototype design is flown only by high ranking imperial agents, including the dreaded Darth Vader himself, making it a deadly addition to your squadron.

As a technologically superior version of the TIE Fighter, the TIE Advanced x1 has plenty to offer compared to its counterparts. The most notable difference may be the fact that the TIE Advanced x1 comes equipped with its own set of deflector shields, without sacrificing any of the ship’s evasiveness. This added durability helps it operate on its own much more effectively than a standard TIE Fighter, and it allows you to hunt down your enemies with deadly precision.