Warhammer 40k – The Slicing Noose -Drukhari Starter Set


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The Wyches of the Drukhari – also known as Dark Eldar – are vicious and cunning, their fighting style based on a foundation of raw speed. Their Wych Kill Teams can dodge an enemy’s blade as easily as if it were moving through treacle, artfully lopping off limbs and heads as they dance through the melee.

An expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this box includes 10 plastic miniatures, a scenery set (with exclusive rules!), and brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included:

– A 10-model Drukhari Kill Team: supplied on purple plastic, these can be used to represent The Slicing Noose or your own Drukhari Kill Team. This kit includes 14 different heads and 10 different bodies (six female variants and four male variants);
– A set of 2 Eldritch Ruins: overgrown and deadly scenery pieces representative of fearful deathworlds. Covered in symbols and entwined with malevolent deathworld flora, they’ll give your games of Kill Team an extra-arcane look;
– 11 Tactics cards and 2 Mission cards: the Tactics cards are split between the 4 Drukhari Tactics taken from the Kill Team Core Manual and 6 Drukhari Tactics exclusive to this set, giving you new ways to play with your Drukhari kill team. Also included is a Tactics card for the included scenery, providing rules for incorporating them into your games. The 2 Mission cards are split between 1 Matched Play and 1 Narrative Play mission;
– An 8-page booklet describing The Slicing Noose, their history and background, along with a showcase of painted miniatures and a timeline of their deployments;
– 10 datacards for The Slicing Noose, ready for you to use right away;
– A sheet of card gaming tokens, including 10 Move/Charge tokens, 10 Fall Back/Advance tokens, 10 Shaken tokens, 10 Ready/Shoot tokens, and 6 Objective tokens